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Home Design in Transition

Prefab Modern and just a little bit sexy....

Do you feel the transition that’s afoot in home design?  Most of the world has or will shift from ego-culture homes… Building to impress the neighbors, friends and the entire world is dead. What is talking shape are  thoughtful and meaningful homes that actually work well for their occupants.  Homes that comfort, secure, nurture and support their owners are the future. They will be much smaller then before and square footage will be used sparingly and only where it really is wanted and needed.  There is no turning back to the ego-culture houses that used to be popular. We all need to adjust to this paradigm shift and to enjoy the great creative process that will take us through to to intelligent, sensitive and spiritually nourishing homes that can last a lifetime.

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Mark Stewart Home Design Joins ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Again!

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